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  4.  Fei Yao & Zhigang Yuan (2019). Statistical Analysis and Regression Model of Lower-band Chorus Waves in Mid-latitudes. The 18th National Solar-Terrestrial Space Physics Symposium, May. 2019, in Xining, Qinghai Province.
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  7. Fei Yao & Zhigang Yuan (2017). Development of VLF Broad-band Receiver System and Preliminary Observation Results. The 17th National Solar-Terrestrial Space Physics Symposium and 2017 International Meridian Space Symposium, May. 2017, in Qingdao, Shandong Province.
  8.  Fei Yao & Zhigang Yuan (2016). VLF Broad-band Receiver System Design. The Tenth National Space Weather Symposium, Nov. 2016, in Wuhan, Hubei Province.